Hope Cottage Nursery : Our Eco Journey 2021-22
In August 2021, in the run-up to COP 26, Hope Cottage Nursery began an Eco Initiative to become a greener and more sustainable setting - going beyond Reducing, Reusing & Recycling. Our objectives for 2021-22 were; 1. To build on our existing Eco Work by making an Eco Pledge in line with Zero Waste Scotland and the Circular Economy to cut down, cut out and source natural not synthetic. 2. Our Eco Pledge would be to tackle the huge problem of plastic waste by making permanent sustainable changes focusing on cutting out non-recyclable plastics & microplastics. 3. To make links with the Marine Conservation Society Educational Team to help develop Ocean Literacy for the children’s learning, through visits and workshops. 4. To raise adult and parent awareness via the monthly Eco Section in our online newsletter; engaging families in our Eco Journey. Read on below to see our Eco Journey month by month in the images from our Eco Journal. Click on ...